Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Classes and apartments...

So, Sabrina has paid her admissions fee. I am BROKE so do not yet have the $50 to pay...but hopefully will soon!! Anyhow, so Sabrina paid her admissions fee and with that IUON sent her a passcode/link for her to start looking at apartments and so on. Let me tell you what!! I do not know how I will be able to live in SUCH A HELL!! :D These apartments that we are looking at are just HORRIBLE!! 360 degree views of the ocean! BLAH!! Who can study like that!! ::I hope you are sensing the great deal of sarcasm!!:: SERIOUSLY!! I CANNOT WAIT!! One apartment that we are looking at is seriously on the beach. It is just soo beautiful!! My Lola is just going to love the beach, I know it!!

So, I have registered for classes at OTC for the summer. Algebra (bleh!), Comp2, Chemistry and Public Speaking. So, because I am going down in the fall instead of the spring I am having to take a few more classes at IUON then was planned. Looks like Pharmacology, College Algebra (bleh!!), Microbiology, and a few nursing classes are what my fall semseter is looking like. YAY me!! I soo cannot wait for all of this to be finished and then I can start searching for a job as a nurse!! YAY!!

Anyhow, I just thought I would give y'all a little update on how things are going. I have started making my lists of things that need to be done, my budget for loan money (that alone invokes severe chest pains!!), what I am sending to myself, what I am taking in my suitcase, and of course going through my personal items and getting rid of whatever I have not even touched in 2 years!!

I hope all is well with you. i have been trying to spend as much time as I can with Abby. I am soo afraid that she will not remember me when we come home next Spring!! :-(

Anyhow, hope all is well and you are enjoying this beautiful weather!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

And so it begins...

For the past 2 semesters I have been working towards getting into an RN program. Initially, I was hoping to be accepted into OTC (Ozark Community Technical College) ASN program. But, I am a back up plan kind of girl. So, though OTC was plan A, I was in search of plan B. It was the beginning of the spring when my friend, Red, saw a little note on a bulletin board at school advertising the International University of Nursing (IUON). We went to their website and jointly agreed..oh how nice it would be to find ourselves sitting on the beach, umbrella drink in one hand, anatomy book in our laps, studying to the sweet sound of the waves crashing onto the shore...oh how sweet that would be!! Well, I went home and thought about it some more. I then emailed their admissions department asking for an information packet. After that I began recieving phone calls from this recruiter, Sheri. She would call every so many weeks to try and convince me into coming down. Initially I was saying no because IUON's packets all said NO PETS!! Well, that is a deal breaker for me. I cannot leave Lola home. I especially cannot leave Lola home for 2 years!! My poor baby would think I abandoned her!!! So, I told Sheri this and she went off and did some research of her own. She then called back a few weeks later...yes Dawn, you can bring your doggy with you (even though she offered MANY times to doggy watch while I was away!!), you just have to quarantine her in your home for 30 days after you arrive and have a few other things done prior to arrival (rabies testing and microchipping). Hmm..she just upped the stakes!! So, I thought about IUON some more. I had already applied to OTC and was patiently awaiting my invite to an interview. I weighed the pros and cons. I then started wondering how I was going to PAY for this!! Again, Sheri called. I discussed monies with her. IUON has not been approved for Title IV loans (Pell grants & student un/subsidized loans). Where here in the states I am on a full pell grant. Tuition is also MUCH less here in the states...where down there it is 6 grand a semester ($500 a CREDIT!!!) That does not include room & board! The money is what was holding me back at that point, and well, stressing me out!! So, Sheri told me about several different options for paying for my tuition, which also included signing a 2 year agreement with a state side hospital after I have my RN I go work for said hospital and they will then pay back my loans!! She also explained that many students took out a loan to pay for their room and board. So. I sat down and figured my monies. I then made up my mind. I'm going. Now, I have to talk Red into going. He toyed with the idea. Even paid his admission fee. OTC then sent out their invites for interviews, he got one, I did not. Oh well...I'm GOING TO THE ISLANDS!!!

So, here is the deal with IUON. A typical student with no or very few credits goes down to St Kitts for 6 semesters. After the 6 semesters they then transfer to a partner school (Purdue, Colorado State University, Morehead University, or Louisiana State College) for 2 more semesters. Should you pass all 8 semesters you are then welcomed to sit for the nursing boards. You will have graduated in 8 semesters with a BSN, verses the state schools 6 semesters (nursing ONLY) with an ASN.

Well, after talking about St Kitts and IUON sooo much my baby sister decided to come along, and bring her 150 pound Great Dane/black lab puppy, Tucker with her!! Now, because she has her Bachelors from Rockhurst, Sabrina will be working on her Masters (MSN) at IUON.

So. This is where our adventure begins. Sabrina, Tucker, myself and Lola!! 4 amigos!! Hee hee. Sabrina is my best friend. Sabrina has been in nearly every other adventure I've taken in my life...if not there in person, then only a phone call away. It makes sense that she comes along with me and we both get our RNs. She will be a psych nurse (you know the crazy cures the crazy!!) and I will be an ER RN. We both plan to travel nurse, though probably not together!

So, that brings me to today. Today here in beautiful RAIN SOAKED Southwest Missouri I will spend the day gathering the proper paperwork needed for passports and Visas, make appointments for doctors and vets, make lists, and start sorting through my lifelong collection of personals. I will be having a yard sale soon. Anything I have not used, worn, or even touched in the past 2 years will be up for grabs. We plan to leave in August. Classes start in September. I'd like to get down there a few weeks prior to class so we can acclimate ourselves to the area, go to orientations, and maybe relax by the ocean for a few days.

Now, of course this is my VERY FIRST blog. I am also hoping/planning to blog at least once a week as our adventure goes on. Please excuse me if I don't, it just means classes are keeping me VERY busy!! I would also like to do some vlogs. Because soo many of friends have iPhones I will post my vlogs on youtube.com (as well as facebook) and then attach a link here to my blogs. And of course I will be posting TONS of pictures on my facebook (and also hopefully some to my 'WHAT is this person thinking!!" album)!! I hope you enjoy the many laughs Sabrina and I are bound to endure. I know I will miss each of you, but 4 semesters will go by soo fast!! I promise!! And what is 4 semesters in the grand scheme of things, really!!

Anyhow, I look forward to your comments and of COURSE EVERYONE is invited to come down and visit!! We will be living in a 2 bedroom apartment with a fold out couch (I believe!! Or Sabrina & I can share a bed for a few nights!!) But, there is plenty of adventure for you, should you come down!!

Stay dry, stay warm, and stay happy!!

Much love!